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Weekly Newsletter

Shabbat Announcements for November 2, 2024
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Wednesday 10-4 pm
Programs & Notable Dates -– Currently listed on the Temple Calendar
Friday, November 1 
service at 6:00 pm      dinner at 7:00 pm
Guest speaker:  Amanda Abramovitz, just recently returned from Israel and will talk about her experiences there.
Saturday, November 2
Early Torah Study @ 8:30 am - Shabbat service at 9:30 am
Sunday, November 3  2:00 am  DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK 1 HOUR

Saturday, November 9  Shabbat Services 9:30 am
Monday, November 11
Veterans Day    OFFICE CLOSED
Thursday, November 14
Mega Challah Bake at the JCC in Long Beach at 7:00 pm, doors
open at 5:30 pm.  Cost is $25      RSVP to Barbara 714-348-8788      [carpools may be arranged]

Saturday, November 16  Shabbat Services 9:30 am
Sunday, November 17
Women’s League Paid-up Membership @ 12:30 pm in the MPR – Please R.S.V.P. to Jenny Levy
Dues can be paid at the door.
Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving      OFFICE CLOSED
Magen David Adom  Please donate to stock our ambulance with the supplies and equipment the EMTs and Doctors of MDA need to get their job done. You may click on this link: or send a check to Temple Beth Emet, 1770 W. Cerritos Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92804...Attn: Jenny [Please make checks out to American Friends of Magen David Adom].
Masks are optional, but recommended at all services and functions at the temple.
Flu Shots & Covid Boosters are recommended for everyone over 60 years.
TIDINGS, FLYERS, CALENDARS, ETC…may be found in the multi-purpose room.
SHABBAT, we serve a light Kiddush lunch after services. Please let us know that you will be joining us.                                                                                                                                                                                              
Bid N’ Buy Auction---Sunday, December 8th     Men’s Club is accepting donations of new or gently used items and gift cards for our Chinese or Silent auctions. Items may be dropped off at the Temple Office. Contact Gary or Marty for details.
Scrip: Call Evelyne Seabrook at 714-313-7660 to purchase scrip. Full ‘scrip’ list in MPR.
Gift Shop: all showcases are in the multipurpose room. Contact: Jenny Levy 714-326-4263.
Baking for Shabbat: contact Judy Robins to help, 714-267-1121
Shabbat: to help serve on Shabbat, contact Sharlene Schwed 714-267-9536
We provide no-charge Lyft rides to and from TBE for services and for any program at TBE FOR MEMBERS ONLY.  Contact either Jack Zakowski           (714-746-8179), Ken Levin (714-767-4236), or Barry Klatzker   (714-345-8349) for details and to enroll in the program.
To purchase: JNF Trees ($15 each), or send Tribute Cards ($5 minimum donation). Contact Becky at TBE Office: 714-772-4720
MAH JONGG, Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Players needed — FREE LESSONS available. Contact Marion Rosenblum 714-822-4795 for information.
The MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM is available free to Temple Members for games, functions, etc.
Contact Carren in the office for details. Thank you.
For RABBINICAL SERVICES, call Carren: TBE Office: 714-772-4720
CEMETERY PLOTS are available to temple members for $7,500; and, to non-members for $9,999
Please be aware that for funerals, clergy should receive an honorarium. THIS IS NOT COVERED BY TEMPLE DUES!


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