Come, Connect, Create Your Jewish Future.

February 2025 Shevat 5785
A Message from Women's League President Barbara Erler
Volunteers Needed
Mitzvah Projects…
Baking for kiddushes & onegs—contact Judy Robiins 714-267-1121
Help serve at kiddushes & onegs—contact Sharlene Schwed 714-267-9536
What has a delicious dough and is wrapped around a yummy filling. It has a shape that is traditional and comes by the dozen. Correct, it is Women’s League Hamantashen, which are currently on sale. You must pre-order them. There won’t be any available without an order form (see enclosed form). Please turn your order form in to the temple office, or to a women’s league member. Pick-up will be Sunday March 9 [and, our Gift Shop will be open too!]. Choose from our yummy flavors: Poppy, Prune, Apricot, Raspberry and Chocolate Chip. We cannot mix the flavors, so to solve that problem order multiple flavors. Also, Hamentashen freeze very well. Women’s League ladies (and now some men too) gather for weeks before Purim to measure, roll, cut, fill, pinch, bake, package and fill our orders. I look forward to baking and filling your order. If you are interested in helping with the baking please contact Jenny Levy.
The temple is sponsoring a Spaghetti Purim Dinner on 3/13. That evening we will have a 50/50 raffle.
An afternoon of BINGO is scheduled for February 2nd at 2:00 pm, We’ll have lots of fun and prizes that you don’t want to miss.
Don’t forget Sisterhood Shabat on February 15th. Please join our Sisterhood in leading the Shabbat Service, and share in our special kiddush.
Mark your calendar—BUNCO returns on Sunday, March 23.
We look forward to seeing you at all our events!!
Women's League would like to thank Howard and Nikki Applebaum for their very generous donation to Women's League.