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Board of Directors



Lou Abramovitz


Ruth Zakowski


Susan Baum


Board of Directors

Howard Applebaum

Jenny Levy

Message from President David Schiewitz

Welcome back.  I hope everyone is enjoying a happy and healthy summer season.  Mine has been great.  Most recently it has been highlighted by watching the Summer Olympics. The camera work and overall presentation technology are amazing.  I have been glued to the TV set.  Though it is a cliché, it is so refreshing to enjoy a forum which celebrates the joy of camaraderie between the peoples of the world.  It is enhanced by the absence of the evil empire. 

I have also done some studying over the course of the last couple of months.  I had    previously done a D’var Torah dealing with contemporary concepts and phrases derived from the Torah.  As I think about it, it was awhile back; I delivered my message in the main synagogue.  In Judaism and in the secular world many of the things we say and  observe originate in the Torah,  For instance, the source and use of the term scapegoat comes to mind.  It's one of my favorites.  Also I have come upon an early  reference to the composition of a minyan.  In Exodus 12:4 it stipulates that a minimum of 10 people be present for receiving the Passover lamb from a neighbor.  (This is a test to see if  Rabbi Joe reads my article because I may be misstating or misinterpreting this).

So my initial weeks as president have been rewarding and instructive.  I have gained a renewed understanding of the many invaluable contributions made by staff and by our TBE family members to make shul an inspirational experience for all.  Some congregants have already approached me with issues and concerns.  These encounters are learning moments for me, and I hope the resolutions we have crafted are relevant and useful.

In closing, I recently received a letter from Magen David Adom.  This, as most of you know, is the organization TBE has chosen to receive our primary assistance for standing by Israel in these especially challenging times.  The acts of bravery and heroism described therein are stunning.  As new president and as a member of our TBE family, I am mindful of the seemingly endless financial  appeals that are made for a broad spectrum of causes.  But MDA is for real,  MDA paramedics and ambulance drivers are truly front line immediate responders.  They place their lives at great risk to save the lives of others.  I hope we can continue to sustain our support.

See you in shul...Dave

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